Custom Home FAQ

How much will this cost per square foot?

These homes are completely custom, so you get to choose from a sea of material and amenity options. Through the initial interview, we will have a good understanding of what you want. Depending on garages, porches, and amenities, our average home ranges from $120 to $135 A/C footage for a nice custom home. Don’t let this confuse you with under roof square footage. Under roof is figured much differently.

Do you offer financing?

Yes. Our finance company will educate you with many helpful options, then complete your financing.

How long have you been in business?

Riverstone Custom Homes, Inc. had been in business since 1998 and incorporated since 1999. The President, Mike C. Spruill, has been working in various aspects of residential construction since 1980.

Do you have references?

Anyone can give 2 or 3 references, but we can give you as many as you want. We generally give 10 references from different years and phases of construction so that you can get a true feel for our service.

How many homes do you build per year?

6 to 10, depending on the size of the homes.

Are you on the job every day?

Mike Spruill is in every home 5 to 7 days a week, checking details and scheduling procedure.